Children of Fallen Soldiers Relief Fund is prepared to help our existing families with emergency financial assistance with food, housing, utilities, and fuel on a case by case basis. Our recent unemployed/furloughed military veteran families with children under the age of 18 in the household will be assisted first, then single disabled veterans. We are as always keeping you all in our thoughts and prayers. Please allow time for the stimulus checks to go out if you are able. Please be patient with us and check back for more information.
WASHINGTON -- The Army Emergency Relief program has implemented changes to assist Soldiers and families impacted by the spread of COVID-19.
The new guidelines ensure that Soldiers and families can process assistance applications on time, while under quarantine or observing limited face-to-face interaction, said retired Command Sgt. Maj. Charles Durr Jr., chief of assistance.
Soldiers and families must first inform their chain of command of their current financial hardship. They will then need to fill out an AER application and supporting documentation and route it up to their chain of command for approval.
Any documents containing personally identifiable information must be transmitted securely, officials said. Soldiers are asked to notify a local AER officer of their intent to submit an assistance application and request a DOD Safe secure document upload link. To learn more visit
The new guidelines ensure that Soldiers and families can process assistance applications on time, while under quarantine or observing limited face-to-face interaction, said retired Command Sgt. Maj. Charles Durr Jr., chief of assistance.
Soldiers and families must first inform their chain of command of their current financial hardship. They will then need to fill out an AER application and supporting documentation and route it up to their chain of command for approval.
Any documents containing personally identifiable information must be transmitted securely, officials said. Soldiers are asked to notify a local AER officer of their intent to submit an assistance application and request a DOD Safe secure document upload link. To learn more visit